Thursday, December 17, 2015


I used to be an avid reader, constantly having a book with me at all times. But then when I got into Uni I lost that passion for reading, mainly because I had massive amounts of reading for classwork and just lost the fun of reading. But while playing around on instagram, as I always do, I came across some really amazing "bookstagrams" as they call them. Mainly focusing on Young Adult or New Adult novels which are my favorite and needless to say I ended up following a few. I found one book called "A Court of Thornes and Roses" which many of them had and I delved into it (I'll do a separate little review of that one as I finished it but just didn't take any pictures yet haha). But I also kept seeing these books pop up on every single account, they looked pretty and quite interesting, so I immediately set about doing some research.

There are four books in the series (though I think there is also another one called Fairest which tells about Queen Levana's past) and each one is based on a fairy tale but obviously quite different and set in a spacey/futuristic world. The characters aren't as we remember them and their stories while having a little basis with the original are quite different. The first book is Cinder, and if you couldn't guess by the name, is a retelling of Cinderella. The Second book is Scarlet and is based on Red Riding Hood. The third (which I think could be my favorite just based on the fairytale) is Cress who is a futuristic Rapunzel of sorts. And then the very last book in the series which was released maybe 2 months ago is Winter and as you can see from the apple on the from is Snow White!

I absolutely love fairy tales so once I read reviews and descriptions I knew that this series would be right up my alley. There were so many good reviews on this series that I just had to pick it up. They've helped catapult my love for reading back into the forefront (which could be dangerous as I read pretty fast and go through books like water haha) and I've not got a pretty long list of books to read after these!

I did already finish Cinder (read it in one day lol), but I think I'll try to do a separate review of it in another post :)

 Now I'm off to start Scarlet (which I admit I'm looking forward to more than Cinder). Can't wait to learn more about Cinder's journey and be introduced to Wolf and Scarlet!

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